Course Overview

"Sustainable finance" refers to the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into financial decision-making processes, with the aim of promoting sustainable economic growth and long-term stability. This Certificate course provides participants with the knowledge and skills required to understand sustainable finance – its scope, contribution to supporting action on climate change and sustainable development, the main actors and how financial institutions make decisions on sustainability-related issues.


• Grasp the history, evolution, and significance of credit and lending in modern economies. • Differentiate between various types of lending practices, including consumer, commercial, and digital lending. • Employ the five Cs of credit (Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Conditions) to evaluate potential borrowers. • Understand and apply credit scoring systems and credit reports in lending decisions. • Use a structured approach to make informed and sound lending decisions. • Factor in risk-return profiles and align decisions with organizational objectives. • Identify different types of risks associated with lending, such as credit risk, market risk, and operational risk. • Apply strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring the stability and profitability of lending portfolios. • Understand the role of regulatory bodies in the lending sector. • Ensure compliance with local and international lending regulations and standards. • Recognize and avoid predatory lending practices and other unethical behaviors. • Advocate for fair lending practices that prioritize the well-being of borrowers. • Stay updated with emerging trends in the credit and lending industry, including FinTech solutions, digital lending platforms, and alternative credit models. • Incorporate technological advancements and innovative practices into traditional lending processes. • Seek opportunities for professional development in the credit and lending sector. • Use feedback and industry changes as a catalyst for growth and refinement of lending strategies.

Target audience

• Finance and Banking professionals interested in understanding how their activities might support the goals of sustainable development. • Policymakers interested in understanding how the financial sector might support sustainable development. • Companies interested in understanding how investors analyse and take account of sustainability issues. • Civil society organizations interested in working with the finance sector.

What You Will Study

economy. Module Two: Regulations and Global initiatives 1) Overview of global sustainable finance regulations and guidelines 2) Key international initiatives: The Paris Agreement, UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3) The role of regulatory bodies and their impact on sustainable finance Module Three: Frameworks and Standards. 1) Overview of frameworks: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and others 2) The importance of standardization in sustainable finance reporting 3) Challenges and opportunities in adhering to multiple standards. Module Four: ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) 1) Definition and components of ESG 2) Case studies of ESG integration in business and investment 3) Challenges and criticisms of ESG Metrics Module Five: Financial products and actors supporting sustainable finance. 1) Sustainable Finance Strategies and Products: An Overview 2) The Five Pillars of Sustainable Finance 3) Green Bonds 4) Green Loan Principles 5) Performance-based Instruments 6) In Focus: Sustainable Finance in Kenya 7) Leveraging and mainstreaming sustainable finance and Fintechs Module six: Risk Management in Sustainable Finance 1) Identifying and assessing ESG risks 2) Climate risk modelling and its impact on financial decisions 3) Strategies for managing and mitigating ESG risks Module seven: Impact Investing and Measurement 1) Definition and principles of impact investing 2) Case studies of impact investing projects 3) Methods and challenges of measuring social and environmental impact. Module eight: Stakeholder Engagement and Participation 1) Importance of stakeholder engagement in sustainable finance 2) Strategies for effective stakeholder communication 3) Reporting and transparency requirements for financial institutions Module nine: Ethics and Responsibility in sustainable Finance 1) Ethical considerations in finance and investment 2) Addressing greenwashing and ensuring genuine commitment 3) The fiduciary duty of financial professionals in the context of sustainability Module ten: Trends, Challenges and Future Outlook 1) Analysing current trends in sustainable finance 2) The potential role of technology (e.g., AI, blockchain) in shaping the future. 3) Predictions and implications of global challenges, e.g., climate change, for the finance sector Module Eleven: Practical Applications and Case studies 1) Real-world examples of sustainable finance in action 2) Analysis of sustainability reports from major corporations 3) Group projects or simulations to design sustainable investment strategies. Learning outcomes: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: • Define sustainable finance and its importance in the modern economic landscape. • Distinguish between traditional finance and sustainable finance. • Gain and apply knowledge and skills in measurement and evaluation of the key elements of ESG. • Integrate ESG factors into financial decisions. • Assess the risk and return implications of integrating sustainability factors. • Work confidently within the confines of local and international conventions that regulate and shape sustainable finance practices. • Design a sustainable investment strategy for a given scenario. • Evaluate the sustainability performance of an investment. • Analyse the growth and trends in the sustainable finance sector. • Recognize drivers behind increasing demand for sustainable investments. • Reflect on the ethical considerations and responsibilities of financial professionals in promoting sustainability. • Address potential conflicts of interest and devise approaches to mitigate them. • Identify and evaluate sustainable finance products such as green bonds, social bonds, and sustainable linked loans. • Understand the advantages and challenges of various sustainable financial instruments. • Measure the environmental and social impact of investments. • Evaluate the effectiveness and transparency of sustainability reports from corporations and financial institutions. Opportunity for Further Study Participants who successfully complete the Certificate in Sustainable Finance can enrol on the Certified Credit Manager Program or take up another short course from UIBFS


Duration: 4 Months Investment: UGX 1,200,000 Start dates: February/July Delivery channel: e-learning Assessment Participants will be assessed through a combination of assignments, case studies, and examinations. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a Certificate in Sustainable Finance.

COST: Investment: UGX 1,700,000