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AGM #GraduationCeremony #UIBFS

#NewBeginnings #MestilHote l

AGM #GraduationCeremony #UIBFS

We are thrilled to recognize the top-performing students in each course for their exceptional achievements ✨😃

Otabongo David – Certified Credit Management
Kangume Racheal – Chartered Banker Level 1
Naluyinda Brenda – Microfinance Apprenticeship Program
Mukiibi Andrew – Diploma in Microfinance
Muhwezi Dues – Foundational Certificate in Banking and Financial Services
Kayobyo Esther Patience – Compliance Certificate
Nakimuli Olive – Risk Management Certificate
Atukwase Stephen – Trade Finance Certificate
Kaitesti Amanda – ACI Certificate

Congratulations to all our outstanding top performers! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off.

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